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Clumber Notes

Maureen was, for many years,  the Breed Notes correspondent for Clumber Spaniels in 'Dog World', until it ceased publication as a weekly newspaper which saddened many people.  Maureen has continued her breed notes through social media and on Dog Focus.  Her notes are produced below (from 26th September 2022). 

Please enjoy reading these and do feel free to contact Maureen with any relevant news.

24th June 2024

Thought I had better get these done before turning into a zombie – yes, you guessed it, the patter of tiny Clumber paws have arrived. For some reason, our girls do not like to carry puppies in the normal fashion. It was a rushed visit to the vet to deliver the pups, with one horn laying on top of the other horn and squashed right up high. I can tell you our vet Emma had a right job untangling them all, but did so safely. Mum and babies are all doing fine.

Windsor saw Keith Young judging 10 dogs and 5 females, finding his DCC and BOB in Sh Ch Vanitonia Soloist, who went on to go Gundog Group 2 under Richard Stafford. Many will not know, but way back when, Richard had a Clumber as well as his Labradors. Res DCC went to Linda Thorogood’s Anbrook Don’t Stop Me Now at Harrifield. In the girls, it was Sh Ch Tweedsmuir She’s so Sheik who was awarded the CC, owned by Paul and Hilda Monaghan, with Winhampton Pandora’s Box owned by Sue and Lauren Wilson collecting the Res CC. Not to be outdone, kennel-mate Sh Ch Anbrook Fair Maid of Kent by Winhampton was Best Veteran. There were no puppies present as the only one entered was absent.

As well as the patter of Clumber paws the house will also be ringing to the sound of puppy Tibetan Spaniel paws when Parloueve My Love to Maursett arrives shortly, to be known as Zaya. We fell in love with the breed a year ago and, with Clumbers having so few Championship Shows with CCs, have now decided to go for a breed that we can pick and choose which shows to go to, rather than feel compelled to enter the few shows where Clumbers have CCs. Plus, it means I do not have to run round the ring anymore and Tony will be able to show again too.

Talking of shows, judges for next year are slow at being published - not many to report yet.

Please do remember to let me know if you have any significant wins or awards at open shows or other events as I do not, as a matter of courtesy, take them from social media posts.



Maureen Taylor

24th June 2024


No CCs at Three Counties where judge Mr D Telford had 7 dogs and 5 girls to go over.  He found his DCC and BOB in Lee Cox’s Sh Ch Vanitonia Soloist who then went on and won the Gundog Group under Pam Blay and then Reserve Best in Show under Ken Newhouse. Reserve Best Dog was Paul and Sue Whitehouse’s Sh Ch Maursett Malachie at Molvonia. BB was Vanitonia Song and Dance owned by Emma Mathews and Anne Moon, Reserve BB was the Dawson’s Beskerby Flora Finching with the Best Puppy award going to Dave Tilston’s Maursett Menelaus.

Blackpool,  another show without CCs for Clumber Spaniels, saw 5 dogs and 8 girls making 6 and 10 entries for judge Mr Hans van den Berg.  He found his Best Dog and Best of Breed in Clumbus Jolly Jumper of Taranstigh, owned by Jaquelyn and Stuart Nicholson and Aislyn Risk, who then went to North of England Spaniel Club and went BOB under Eddie Webster then Reserve Best in Show under Judith Carruthers. Best Female was Sh Ch Vanitonia Secret Episode owned by Blake Crocker, Ashleigh Frost and Mr and Mrs Cahill. Best Puppy once again went to Dave Tilston’s Maursett Menelaus. 

Windsor has Kieth Young judging us and he has drawn an entry of 14 dogs and 8 girls making 22 and 11 entries. Clumbers are second in Ring 15 after 48 English Springers (making 70 entries); according to the judging order the judging of English Springers does not start until 10.30 which seems a little odd as this will mean a very late start for the Clumbers.

 I understand that Kelly Jeffries did not handle her new puppy at Bath, but daughter Zennor showed her -another junior handler coming through the ranks?

The Breed Record Supplement shows 9 litters being registered in the first quarter totalling 38 puppies, slightly down on last year. This included one who whelped a fourth litter just before her eighth birthday. Only three of the litters in the latest BRS are from what would be considered as “show” dogs, so let us hope that the next quarter will see more from the show lines to encourage a reduction in some of the high breeding co-efficient. 

No shows for our Maursett Mob of Clumbers for some time, but we are keeping a keen eye on things at Champ shows as we watch the gremlin (aka Oldcharm Can You Love Me at Maursett, the Tibetan Spaniel). Not sure if he really thinks he is a Clumber Spaniel, or an English Setter (which we also have) – when we were at Blackpool Champ Show, we bumped into some friends with their five English Setters and he was in his element!  

The Clumber Spaniel Club is holding a Breed Assessment Day (BAD), Multiple Choice Examination (MCE) and Hands-on and this is scheduled for 17th November 2024.  I understand from the Secretary that application forms are available on the breed club website, although I did check at the time of writing these notes (25th June 2024) and could not locate them.  Keep an eye out of the CSC website for further details.

And now to the Cancer Research Race for Life.  I actually quite surprised myself and got round easily, albeit not at a running pace I might add and I was accompanied by daughter Hannah and grandkids Sam and Ben. Tony, of course, got out of it through the minor irritant of ruptured knee ligaments so stayed at home on dog watch.  Many thanks to those who have already donated to the cause. I am so grateful to you all, as many of you will know that I have had - and continue to have - my own personal battle with this horrible disease since 2021. If anyone still wishes to contribute I will be so grateful - just click on the link:


Please do remember to let me know if you have any significant wins or awards at open shows or other events as I do not, as a matter of courtesy, take them from social media posts.


Maureen Taylor


27th May 2024


Sorry for the delay in my Breed Notes, but due to technical problems beyond my control I have been unable to publish them. Hopefully, everything is now all fixed.

Unfortunately, I did not make it to WELKS for gundog day as my travel partner was busy with a girl due to whelp. I did however make it on the Sunday to watch Hannah show the Tibetan Spaniel.  I understand the weather was not kind and it was very cold on gundog day; luckily it had warmed up a little by Sunday. Hilary Male was awarding CCs in Clumbers for the first time and found her DCC, his 10th, in Sh Ch Maursett Mallachie at Molvonia owned by Paul and Sue Whitehouse. The Reserve DCC went to Vanitonia Something Extra owned by Dee Carter Hunt and Adam Gardner.  BCC, BOB and Gundog Group 4 was Sh Ch Vanitonia Secret Episode owned by Blake Crocker, Ashleigh Frost and Mr and Mrs Cahill. Res BCC was Paul and Hilda Monaghan’s Sh Ch Tweedsmuir She’s So Sheek. Best Puppy went to Suelynda Let Me Be The One owned by Mrs C and Mr J Blackburn.

The National was judged by Eunice King who found her DCC and BOB in Lee Cox’s Sh Ch Vanitonia Soloist who then went on and won the Gundog Group under Patsy Hollings. Reserve DCC went to Dave and Sue Boden’s Puppy Suelynda  Boom Bang a Bang who was also Best Puppy. In the bitch classes, it was a first CC for the Kirkman Clans puppy, Kirkara Minerva McGonagall, with our Maursett Masikean picking up yet another Res CC. Rachel Wareham had a good day getting third in the Special Beginners with Prestij Nachii Mandarin Shik under Robin Newhouse. We had a get together after judging with plenty of food and drinks. 

At SKC, Jane Howarth was our Judge and found her DCC and BOB in Caroline Reynolds’ Vanitonia Swashbuckler of Glenariff, his first, with the Res CC going to Ricky Furnell’s Sh Ch Vanitonia Rio Sonora to Bebacova. BCC her first, after many Reserves, was our Maursett Masikean and Res BCC was Ricky’s Bebacova Scarlet Witch with Best Puppy going to Natalie Stevenson’s Knockhalon Put a Spell on You.   We were unable to stay for the October Show judged by Irene Glenn - her Best Dog and Best of Breed was a repeat of the May Ch show result as was Best Puppy.       

At a slightly muddy Bath, DCC was Paul and Sue Whitehouse’s Maursett Muttley at Malvonia, his second and I am told expertly handled in the challenge by Lucy Wareham. The Res CC going to Badgersmoon The Most Wanted owned by Thompson, Fenwick Langridge consortium. BCC and BOB was Sh Ch Vanitonia Secret Episode owned by Blake Crocker, Ashleigh Frost and Mr and Mrs Cahill. I understand congratulation are in order to Blake and Ashleigh as the patter of two feet are expected. Res BCC was Vanitonia Song and Dance owned by Emma Mathews and Anne Moon with Best Puppy going to Kelly and James Jefferies with Abbyford One Seren Ashe of Jubilwell. Nice to see Kelly back in the ring after a long absence. We were absent due to Gertie being in season.  

Please do not forget to let me know if you do have any significant wins or awards at Open Shows as I do not, as a matter of policy and courtesy, take them from social media.

Do keep the news coming in.



Maureen Taylor

14th April 2024


Unfortunately, I did not make it to the Clumber Club Open Show due to my dear husband sharing his germs with me.  I understand the weather was not kind and therefore the judging was done indoors. There were eight absentees leaving Alastair Moss thirteen dogs and ten bitches to go over. BB and Best in Show was Paul and Hilda Monaghan’s Sh Ch Tweedsmuir She’s So Sheek, Reserve BB and Reserve Best in Show was Anne Moon’s and Emma Mathews Vanitonia Song and Dance. Best Opposite Sex was Paul and Hilda’s Kensequi Nice at Tweedsmuir JW and Best Puppy in Show was the Kirkman’s Clan’s Kirkara Minerva Mcgonagall which Sara shows.  Best Veteran was Marjorie Charlesworth Ironside’s Tavirosh Stonewall.

I have heard little about the AGM, but do know that the proposition to lower the weight in our standard was, thank heavens, defeated.  I also understand that there seems to be a problem with the Clumber Spaniel Club’s website at the moment which no doubt will be resolved soon.

The Clumber Spaniel lunch at the Kennel Club was a great success and I hope this could become a yearly event. Sara Kirkman organised our break in London, finding us a good Airbnb.  She drove Kath, myself and Hannah down to London where we met up with Lyndsey Steele who had flown down from Aberdeen. The lunch was very tasty, as was the wine, and the tour to see the Library, the art and photography collections was amazing. Gina Bowers even found a photo of a very, very young Lee Cox showing a Clumber. The chairman of the Kennel Club, Tony Allcock, popped in to see us and commented how good it was to see and hear people enjoying themselves, which we certainly were. I hope Lyndsey has recovered from paying a small fortune for a sandwich and coffee in Harrods.

I understand the Scottish Clumberites got together this weekend for a Chinese meal.  It would be good for the Club to organise an event/show in Scotland bearing in mind that it is the Clumber Spaniel Club of Great Britain and the number of exhibitors in Scotland is growing year by year.

Talking of those north of the border, I must apologise to Jacquelyn Nicolson for omitting her Best of Breed and Group 1 at Lanarkshire Canine Society under Mrs Alexandra Hill with Clumbus Jolly Jumper of Taranstigh (Ruben to his friends). Meanwhile, I see in a separate critique that we again apparently have a breed specific roll! I do wish judges would make themselves aware of the Kennel Club standard when they judge and do their write-ups, as it is disrespectful to refer to a feature that was removed from the breed standard nearly twenty years ago.  Clumber Spaniels to not have a characteristic rolling gait.

The show season kicks off with WELKS this month, with Hilary Male awarding CCs in our breed for the first time. She has drawn an entry of sixteen dogs and nine bitches, which is not too bad considering it is on a Thursday. Next will be the National, again on a Thursday, judged by Eunice King, followed by SKC which is holding both shows together. At SKC, we are on a Sunday with CCs at the first show (Jane Howarth) and an open show at the second (Irene Glen). Reduced rates were offered if you entered both shows; it will be interesting to see how this pans out. Bath finishes off the month with Jeff Horsfield, another weekday show with the added dynamic of it being a Bank Holiday Monday. We then have a big gap until Windsor and another before Leeds at the end of July.

Please do not forget to let me know if you do have any significant wins or awards at Open Shows as I do not, as a matter of policy and courtesy, take them from social media.


Do keep the news coming in.



Maureen Taylor

14th March 2024


Well, that’s it over with for yet another year. It is frightening that it is 40 years since we first attended Crufts.  Back then, the show was held at Earls Court in London and I recovered a lot quicker in those days. Am I the only one to feel like I have been hit by a bus for days afterwards.

Our judge, Ian Layfield, looked exceedingly smart, being suited and booted complete with bow tie.  Ian always wears a bow tie when judging to avoid a tie flapping about and possibly frightening the dogs. He found his DCC and BOB in Lee Cox’s Sh Ch Vanitonia Soloist with his younger brother Vanitonia Something Extra (owned by Dee Carter Hunt and Adam Gardner) picking up the Reserve DCC. BCC was Sh Ch Vanitonia Secret Episode owned by the Crocker, Frost, Cahill partnership, with the Res BCC going to our Maursett Masikean and BP Beskerby Flora Finching owned by Ian, Pam and Michelle Dawson. Best Veteran was Multi Ch Big Booms Joker Donkey owned by Lana Levai.

There were very few absentees and it was nice to catch up with friends from Europe. In the Open Dog and Open Bitch classes, there were only two exhibits from the UK - the rest being from Europe. It must be the first time for a number of years that UK dogs have done so well at Crufts.

It was sad to hear that the keyboard warriors were straight on to social media spouting the usual rubbish about the dogs exhibited at Crufts. Did you know that today’s Clumbers are nothing like those in Victorian times?  Thank heavens they are not, having read critiques from Crufts way back when and seen photos of them we have moved on with better and healthier Clumbers now being shown.

Just before Crufts, I had some news from the Brown family in Scotland.  They have Maursett Meadie (aka Barney) and he won AVNSC and Group 2 at Tayside and Lochee under judge Frances Carlton.

Entries are closing thick and fast, with both Edwinstowe and the Clumber Club Open Show closing soon, and then WELKS followed by SKC.

Please do not forget to let me know if you do have any significant winning at Open Shows as I do not take them from social media.


Do keep the news coming in.


Maureen Taylor


28th January 2024

Well, that’s the first Championship show of the year done and dusted.

It was a long wait to get in the ring and a tad chilly, but it was also a good opportunity to catch up with folks.

Gordon Haran found his DCC in Maja Bubalo’s Int Ch Hrothgar’s Hop Skip N Jump giving him his UK title, with Vanitonia Something Extra (owned by Dee Carter Hunt and Adam Gardner) having a fabulous day picking up the Reserve DCC, Best Puppy in Breed, Gundog Puppy Group 1 then Reserve Best Puppy in Show under Tom Mather. BCC and BOB was Sh Ch Vanitonia Secret Episode owned by the Crocker, Frost, Cahill partnership, with the Res BCC going to Paul and Hilda Monaghan’s Sh Ch Tweedsmuir Just a Dream. There were quite a few baby puppies taking advantage of the £5 spectator dog offer and all seemed to be quite chilled.

Eunice King has asked me to remind all members that their subscriptions are due by the end of the month – full details on the Clumber Spaniel Club’s website.

Anyone who fancies going to the Clumber lunch at the Kennel Club on 3rd April 2024 also needs to cough up their monies to the Club via Paypal or direct debit (remember to reference your names) or, alternatively, a cheque to the Club’s Treasurer John Newsham.

Also, a brief reminder about the AGM where nominations for Officers, Committee, Judges and Agenda Items are also due in shortly.

Meanwhile, I see that Crufts entries have been extended, so if you have not got round to entering I suggest you get a move on.

Please do not forget to let me know if you do any significant winning at Open Shows as I do not take them from social media.

Do keep the news coming in.

Maureen Taylor

10th January 2024
Happy New Year to you all and I hope Santa brought you everything you wished for (mind you, with the cost of living at present he may have downgraded some of the presents).
We move on to a new year of shows and Manchester has drawn a fabulous entry for Gordon Haran with 40 dogs making 42 entries.  I know there are a good few puppies due out this month and next so let us hope this trend continues. We are in Ring 7 in the Prestwood Hall (it can be chilly in here so extra layers are advisable) after 44 Field Spaniels and 23 Sussex Spaniels; judging starts at 9 am, so I guess we will probably not be in until late morning. The weather next week does not look good so there may be quite a few absentees.  Do take this into account when planning your journey time.  It flashed up on my memories on social media that eight years ago our entry for Manchester was only 28. The Maursett Mob hopes to be at Manchester with a small furry gremlin (a Tibetan Spaniel) in tow as a spectator - heaven help us all as he is certainly full of himself and likes to announce his arrival to all and sundry!
Do not forget that the entry for Crufts closes straight after Manchester.  We are first in the ring at Crufts this year (provisionally).
Congratulations to Lee Cox on Sh Ch Vanitonia Soloist being Our Dogs Top Clumber 2023 with his younger brother Vanitonia Something Extra (owned by Lee’s mum Dee Carter Hunt and Adam Gardner) claiming the Top Puppy in breed award.
I understand Rachel Wareham is now back at home recovering; we look forward to seeing her ringside in the not-too-distant future.
Please do not forget to let me know if you do any significant winning at Open Shows as I do not take them from social media.
Do keep the news coming in.
Maureen Taylor


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